How To Remove Scratches from Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is a type of flooring, commonly made of a polymer core, which is, in turn, made of PVC or Polyvinyl Chloride. The rule of thumb is to take good care of the flooring, especially by keeping it away from getting scratched.

However, if the flooring gets scratched, getting it fixed ASAP is a must. In this article, we introduce you to a guide on how to get marks out of vinyl flooring.


1.   Use a Vinyl Flooring Concealer

One way to tackle marks on the surface of your vinyl floor is to hide it. The opposite of visibility is concealing – and that is what you will achieve with a floor concealer.

You can shop around for the products, but make sure they are designated for use with vinyl flooring.

With that being said, here is how to put the concealer to use:

a.   Clean the Flooring

The first step is getting the surface of the vinyl flooring cleaned. Use a clean cloth for this purpose.

b.   Apply the Concealer

You can now apply the scratch concealer. There are no hard and fast rules here, but the goal remains to have the concealer placed atop the scratched surface.

c.    Distribute the Concealer

To ensure that the product eliminates the marks, it is imperative to distribute it after applying it to the flooring.

Using a soft, white cloth, rub the concealer throughout the surface of the vinyl flooring, concentrating more on the spots where the marks are visible.

d.   Clean the Vinyl Flooring

Do not wipe off the concealer from the surface until it has “settled.” Ideally, this takes up to 24 hours for the product to settle and cure the flooring of the marks.

Once this time has been exhausted, you can then proceed to the wiping stage. At this point, use a clean, soft cloth to wipe off the concealer from the surface.


2.   Use “Touch-up Markers”

Touch-up markers, as the name suggests, are the markers used to improve or “touch” the existing solutions. In the case of vinyl flooring, you can use it to get rid of the marks, by concealing the scratches in the background.

Here are the best practices for using a touch-up marker for getting rid of marks on vinyl floors:

  • Choose the color of touch-up marker(s) that closely matches your vinyl flooring’s color. This helps to prevent variations in the colors – and further enhances the concealing of the scratches.
  • Try using the marker on a smaller part of the scratch. This helps you gauge the concealing capability, and it is important because the marker is permanent.
  • Once you’ve confirmed the efficacy, proceed to use the marker on the outstanding parts of the marks.


3.   How to Use a PU Scratch Fix Pen for Scratch-Removal on Vinyl Floors

Using a PU Scratch Fix Pen works similarly to the touch-up markers. Use this if you are looking for a quick fix for the scratches on your vinyl flooring.

Note that this pen is mostly recommended for use when dealing with deeper marks on the flooring.

Here is how to use it:

  • Start by cleaning the flooring’s surface with a clean cloth.
  • Shake the pen and point it upwards before removing the lid.
  • The pen contains vinyl sealer. So, all you have to do is to position it above the marks and press. The vinyl sealer will come out of the pen and align on the surface. Make sure to move the pen along the floor’s surface to enable an even distribution.
  • Wait for a few minutes or some hours (as the case may be), for the sealing compound to dry.
  • You can then apply the PU repair spray on the surface. This helps to even out the compound and further hide the marks from showing on the surface.
  • Allow the spot to dry. Then, come back to inspect if any marks or scratches are visible on the surface. If you spot any, do not hesitate to repeat the above steps.



4.   Use Paste Wax to Remove Marks on Vinyl Floors

Using paste wax can go a long way to rectify the marks on your vinyl flooring. The key to getting it right is applying the right amount.

You can use the wax in the following ways:

a.   Cleaning the Flooring

Paste wax needs to be applied to a “clean area.” Set to work and clean the surface of the vinyl flooring.

To ensure nothing is left behind, use a scouring pad to gently buff the scratched part of the floor.

b.   Apply the Paste Wax

The two most important things to do now are to get a clean, soft cloth or a paper towel for applying the wax – and use a circular motion for the application.

c.    Wipe and Buff the Flooring

After a few minutes of applying the wax, use a paper towel to remove the excess paste wax on the surface. The cleaning should also be extended to the surrounding areas of the vinyl flooring.

Once you are through with that, proceed to buff the flooring. Use a scouring pad and be gentle with it. Keep at it until the floor returns to its original shine.


5.   Rubbing Alcohol or Vinegar Can Aid in the Scratch-Removal.

This is one of the simplest ways to get rid of marks on your vinyl flooring. A combination of rubbing alcohol and a vinyl flooring cleaner can help the process.

To get started, decide on the best cleaning solution to do. You can go with the alcohol or settle for white vinegar.

a.   Clean the Spot

Start the process by getting rid of debris, dust, and dirt on the surface of the vinyl flooring. Using a clean mop is highly recommended, but you can substitute it with a clean rag if you don’t have a mop.

However, you may not need to use either a rag or a mop if you are dealing with “stubborn” marks. In this case, what you need is a floor brush, but make sure to use one without bristles.

b.   Prepare the Surface

The sweeping is done, now start “preparing” the vinyl flooring for the mark removal. The three options for the cleaning and the reasons are outlined below:

  • Damp Rag: a clean rag, dampened with warm water, is recommended for vinyl flooring that has scratches caused by either a pencil or a spot of ink.
  • Dry Rag: use this if all you are doing is cleaning the surface to view the light-fine marks.
  • Solvent: go for a solvent, if the marks are “tough.” The solvent must be non-reactive, as you don’t want to cause more scratches.


c.    Apply the Solution to the Scratches

Haven decided between vinegar and rubbing alcohol, you now need to apply any of them. We will use rubbing alcohol for this purpose.

Get a clean rag and make it damp by applying a little either white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Next, use the rag to wipe the affected spot or surface of the vinyl flooring.

As you are wiping, keep inspecting to be sure the marks are leaving. You may need to rub the affected spot up to 3 times before the scratches will be invisible.

d.   Clean the Vinyl Flooring

Once you’ve confirmed that the marks are out, use a clean mop to clean the surface. Let the floor dry before use.


6.   Use Acetone (in Bits) to Remove Marks on Vinyl Floors

We are getting to the end of the list and the last options to consider are referred here. Acetone may be helpful in scratch removal from vinyl flooring, but make sure to use it in bits. This is because of the solution’s abrasive nature which tends to cause more harm for the floor.

Having that in mind, here is how best to use acetone to get rid of scratches or marks from vinyl flooring:

a.   Clean the Vinyl Flooring

Use a mop or a paper towel to clean the surface of the vinyl flooring. You can either sweep or vacuum the floor. Use a mop to clean it further.

b.   Apply the Solution

A paper towel is the best “tool” or material to use when applying the acetone solution. Use it to coat the scratched parts of the vinyl flooring.

c.    Wipe the Surface

The coating process will be followed by the wiping of the vinyl flooring. To do this, make sure that the acetone solution is a bit damp on the vinyl flooring but not soaked into it.

Once that is done, what follows next is wiping the surface of the floor. An effective way to go about this is by wiping the floor with a clean cloth or a paper towel – and in an “up and down” motion.



Vinyl floors are more susceptible to damage, especially getting scratched. The non-durability in this case is a major reason why you should take care of it.

As a rule of thumb, avoid pushing heavy furniture and large appliances on the floor. You can also protect your vinyl flooring by placing protective pads under the furniture’s feet, using non-scratch or bristle-free brooms when sweeping, and using a doormat at the door’s entrance to reduce dirt inflow.

If after all these practices and the floor still gets scratched, you can be sure that the methods shared in this article will help you remove marks from the vinyl flooring.