How to Remove Rubber Marks from Laminate Flooring

Imagine those pesky rubber marks on your laminate floors! You know the ones – those ugly black scuffs left behind from the kids’ sneakers or that rubber ball they just had to bounce inside. While laminate floors are so nice looking, they aren’t immune to wear and stains.

But don’t stress! With a few common household items and some strategic cleaning methods, you can get those rubber marks off your laminate looking like new again. Let me walk you through exactly how to remove those stubborn rubber stains step-by-step. Keep reading


What Type of Rubber Mark Stain Is on the Laminate Flooring?

First, take a good look at the rubber mark on your floor. Is it a light scuff or a deeper gouge? Has the rubber actually removed the top layer of the laminate coating? This will determine how aggressively you’ll need to work to remove the mark.

Light Surface Rubber Marks

If the rubber has just left a light mark or thin black scuff on the surface, then it likely hasn’t penetrated too deeply into the laminate coating. These types of light surface marks are the easiest to remove.

Deeper Rubber Stains

If the rubber has sat for a while and really ground in, or if you notice cracking or peeling of the laminate surface, then you’re dealing with a deeper stain. This will take a little more effort to buff out, but it can be done!

Removing Laminate Coating

In worse case scenarios, thick rubber from shoes or toys can actually rub through the laminate coating exposing the composite wood underneath. This will require fully stripping and re-coating the damaged area (see Step 10).


Gather Your Supplies

Removing rubber marks from laminate will require a little bit of muscle and the right tools for the job. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Microfiber cloths
  • Paper towels
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Acetone nail polish remover
  • Magic Eraser cleaning pads
  • Soft-bristle brush
  • Laminate floor cleaner
  • Laminate floor touch-up marker (for light scratches)
  • Q-tips
  • Painter’s tape (for touch up)


The Step by Step Approach

Step 1: Blot the Stain

If the rubber mark is fresh, start by blotting it gently with a dry microfiber cloth or paper towel.

This will help lift some of the excess rubber residue before you use any cleaners. Don’t wipe at this stage, you don’t want to grind the rubber deeper into the laminate finish.

Step 2: Use Rubbing Alcohol

For light surface residue, dip a microfiber cloth in rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) and gently rub the mark.

The alcohol will help break down and dissolve the rubber, loosening its grip on the laminate.

Step 3: Bust Out the Acetone

If straight alcohol doesn’t cut through the rubber, bring in the big guns – acetone nail polish remover. Acetone is a powerful solvent and will usually begin dissolving and lifting rubber marks immediately.

Dip a microfiber cloth in a little acetone and rub gently over the mark. Don’t pour acetone directly onto the flooring.

Step 4: Magic Eraser Power

Magic Erasers are amazing for buffing out all kinds of scuffs and stains. Their abrasive melamine foam surface will help scrub off any remaining residue.

Gently rub a damp Magic Eraser over the mark until it fades away. Avoid excessive scrubbing to prevent damage to the laminate finish.

Step 5: Remove Cleaner Residue

Once you’ve used alcohol, acetone or Magic Eraser on the mark, wipe the area with a clean, damp microfiber cloth.

This will remove any leftover cleaner residue so it doesn’t dry and leave a haze.

Step 6: Brush Away Stains

For deeper ground-in stains, use a soft bristle scrub brush and laminate floor cleaner to gently scrub and release the stain.

Apply laminate cleaner to the brush and scrub over the mark using light pressure. Wipe away any excess cleaner with a microfiber cloth.

Step 7: Bleach Gel Pen

For stubborn black rubber marks, reach for a bleach gel pen designed for laminate floors. These pens contain bleach suspended in a gel that allows you to directly apply it to the mark.

Gently rub the gel pen over the mark until it fades. Rinse immediately with clean water.

Step 8: Touch-Up Light Scratches

If your rubber mark cleaning efforts reveal any light scratches or scuffs, camouflage them with a laminate floor touch up marker. Choose a marker that matches your floor color.

Fill in scratches with tiny strokes, then immediately wipe away excess.

Step 9: Remove Haze

Even after the worst rubber marks are removed, there may still be a faint dark hazy stain left behind.

Remove this by dipping a microfiber cloth in acetone and giving the area one final wipedown. The acetone will dissolve any remaining film on the laminate.

Step 10: Re-Coat Damaged Areas

If rubber has actually worn through the protective laminate coating, you’ll need to strip and re-coat the damaged sections.

Lightly sand stripped areas, clean away dust, apply laminate sealant, and once dry use a small paintbrush to coat with clear satin polyurethane.


Prevent Future Damage

Removing rubber marks from laminate floors takes a bit of work. Prevent future stains by asking home and guests to remove shoes before entering. Area rugs at entries help capture dirt, grit and grime too.

Also immediately wipe up any spills or liquids that can seep under floor protectors. And take care when moving furniture or appliances. With a little care, your laminate floors will stay beautiful and mark-free.



There you have it  – with some determination and the right tools, you can erase those ugly rubber stains from your laminate flooring. Just take your time and use gentle pressure. With the above tips, your floors will look stylish and beautiful again in no time.