How To Remove Glue from Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl is one of the floorings that requires closer attention to detail to install properly. During the installation, you might make the mistake of putting more glue, leading to an excess of it on the surface. If not properly tackled, you’ll have for yourself, vinyl flooring with glue stains.

Tackling these on time helps to prevent further spread and helps you restore the shine to the floor. While wiping off the stains with a microfiber cloth works, other methods can be explored if the stains are aged.

In this article, we show you some of the several methods of removing glue from vinyl flooring.


Why is there Glue on My Vinyl Flooring?

The sticky gum is there on the floor, if you have made an installation recently. By using it in excess, the glue becomes a residue and one that needs to be wiped off on time.

You’ll also find glue stains on the vinyl flooring if:

  • You installed the “glue-down planks,” instead of the floating vinyl flooring.
  • You were not quick to wipe out the adhesive when it spilled on the floor and;
  • The glue had more properties, leading to stronger adherence to the flooring.


1.   How to Remove Fresh Glue Stains

If there are stains you can easily remove from vinyl floors, they have to be fresh ones. The same applies to glue — removing it once the spill happens is a sure way to recover the smooth surface.

Of course, speed is of the utmost importance here. These are the tools you need for the task:

  • Latex gloves
  • A floor scraper
  • Water and;
  • 2 microfiber cloths.


Follow these steps and you’re sure to get the adhesive out:

Wear the Gloves

The adhesive is not a “friend” to vinyl flooring — and not one to you either. Thus, put on latex gloves to prevent your hands from coming into contact with the glue.

Blot the Area

Use one of the dry, microfiber cloths to dab at the stained area. Here are some rules to follow:

  • Do not apply pressure, because that only spreads the stains even more.
  • Gently wipe the stained area, as this helps to get rid of glue at the topmost part of the flooring.

Wipe the Area Clean with Water

You now need to introduce water into the mix. Dip the microfiber cloth into a bowl of water and wring off excess moisture from it.

Apply the damp cloth to the stained part of the vinyl flooring and wipe the surface. This helps to tackle any residues left behind by the glue.

Clean the Area

You can now finalize this cleaning method by wiping the area with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. This is an effective way to get rid of excess moisture and residues from the floor.


2. Cleaning Dried Glue Stains from Vinyl Floor

While the previous step works best, especially if you spotted the stains on time; the method we will explain right here will help for stick-in glue stains.

Before going into the details, have the following points in mind:

  • Dried stains take a longer time to remove.
  • You must be careful so you don’t use cleaning products that further endanger the vinyl flooring.
  • Most importantly, avoid using harsh products that end up peeling the floor.


Cleaning Dried glue stains out of your vinyl floor requires not just the use of the right products, but also working your way through the affected area.

Several options can be explored and we will go into the details below.


Scrape off the Stains

The first step is getting as much of the dried glue out before cleaning. You need a razor blade, specially specially-designed for use on vinyl floors. Keep at it until a lot of the stains have been removed.

Apply a Cleaning Solution

You can now use a cleaning solution to get the rest of the glue out. A couple of options to use include:

  • Solvent and;
  • Acetone


If you are using acetone, dip a cotton ball into it and use it to wipe the area. A consistent application will bring out the rest of the stains.

However, if you are using a solvent-based cleaning solution, follow these procedures to the latter:

  • Use a solvent designed for use on vinyl flooring. Examples are lemon juice, rubbing alcohol, and white vinegar.
  • Pour a sizeable quantity of the solvent into a spray bottle.
  • Spritz a generous amount of the solution on the stained area.
  • Allow it to sit for several minutes to help dissolve the glue.
  • You can then attempt to remove the glue. This can be done by simply using a clean, dry cloth to scrub the stains away.
  • However, the glue might not come off at once. In this case, you must use a different method – using a scrapper. Place the edge against the stick-in glue and apply a horizontal push to lift the glue out of the flooring.
  • If that method doesn’t work, it may be a good idea to use a heat gun. Extra care must be exercised here to prevent damaging the vinyl flooring in the process.


Wash the Stained Area

Once you are sure the glue has all been lifted off; it is time to rinse the flooring. Experts use a mixture of liquid, dishwashing detergent, and water to rinse the floor.

If you think this will create additional residues; it is then better to stick to rinsing with water only.

Always use a cloth made damp with water. You will use this to dab at the area and work the remaining residue out of the vinyl flooring.

Dry the Floor

Finish up by going over the cleaned area with a clean, dry towel.


3. How to Remove Sticky Glue on Vinyl

Besides the fresh and dried glue stains, you may also have to deal with the sticky ones. In this section, we show you how to remove sticky glue from your vinyl flooring.

Understand the Source of the Stain

When you find a sticky adhesive residue or a film of soapy residue – it is probably because of the cleaning products used.

Now, let’s get into the details of having it removed.

Prepare a Cleaning Mixture

You need to make a mixture of equal portions of liquid, dishwashing soap, and warm water. Combine the two in a bucket and get set to apply.

Apply the Mixture

Use a clean cloth, sponge, or a mop to apply the soapy mixture to the area where sticky glue is on the vinyl flooring.

Break Down the Glue

For the best results, allow the mixture to stay in the area for several minutes. In time, it will soften the residue – making it easier to remove.

You can then use a scrub brush to scrub the area. This helps to break down and bring off most of the sticky glue residues.

Rinse the Area

Use a damp cloth dipped in clean water to go over the surface. This helps to get rid of the soapy residue and leave the vinyl flooring shining.

Restore the Shine

After rinsing with water, the flooring is almost set to come back to the original design. Make this work by using either a vinyl floor polish or a commercial cleaner to go over the area.


Cleaning Solutions to Use for Removing Glue from Vinyl Floors

Certain floor cleaners and similar cleaning solutions prove highly effective when used. We present to you, a list of some of the top cleaners – and how to use them.

1. Rubbing Alcohol

Using rubbing alcohol to dissolve the glue on vinyl flooring works, and below are the steps to take:

Apply the Alcohol to the Stained Area

Grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol and dip a cotton ball into it. Rub the ball over the stained part of the vinyl flooring.

Continue until you are sure the glue has been lifted out of the floor.

Clear the Residues

The residues created by the alcohol will damage the floor if left unattended. Use a clean cloth to wipe these off.


2. How to Use a Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish remover, especially one that contains acetone, cannot be limited to cleaning nail polish spills. You can also use it to get rid of glue from vinyl flooring.

Test the Acetone-Based Nail Polish Remover

Do not be in a hurry to use the remover, because of these reasons:

  • It could not work as expected and;
  • There is a likelihood of damaging the vinyl flooring.


Hence, you can test the nail polish remover to be certain of its efficacy. Use it on an inconspicuous part of the floor.

Remove the Glue with the Nail Polish Remover

After confirming the effectiveness; the next step is putting the acetone-based nail polish remover to good use.

Start by scrapping the glue with a plastic scraper. Then, use the nail polish remover to clean the area. Do this by applying a small quantity on a clean cloth – before transferring the cloth to the stained part of the vinyl flooring.


Rinse the Floor

After a few minutes of allowing the solution to stay on the area; you can now rinse it. Simply use warm water to clean off the residues from the flooring.

Dry the Flooring

The planks of the vinyl flooring might be soaked if you don’t act fast to remove the moisture. Grab a clean cloth and use this to go over the area until you’ve removed the moisture.

You can open up the windows to allow fresh air into the room.


3. How to Use Goo Gone to Remove Glue from Vinyl Flooring

Goo Gone is an example of a commercial cleaner that makes clearing glue from vinyl flooring easier.

However, you must have the following in mind:

  • Go for the Goo Gone product specifically designed for use on vinyl flooring.
  • You must use the product on an indistinct part of the floor to ascertain the reaction before cleaning the rest of the vinyl flooring with it.


Apply the Goo Gone Product

Pick a vinyl-compliant Goo Gone product. Test it on an inconspicuous part of the flooring, before cleaning the rest of the vinyl flooring with it.


4. How to Use White Vinegar to Remove Glue

White vinegar is one effective cleaning solution (and a homemade one at that too), which can be helpful in the removal of glue from vinyl flooring.

Here is how to use it:

Dilute the White Vinegar

Due to the design of the flooring, you don’t want to damage it by using a cleaning solution that poses a risk. This is why diluting the white vinegar with water is important.

Apply the Mixture

You can transfer the mixture to a spray bottle from where you will spritz a generous amount directly on the stains on the vinyl flooring.

Soften the Glue

You can leave the mixture to sit on the surface for some minutes. When you are sure the mixture has done its part, you can then lift the vinyl flooring and remove the remaining adhesive underneath the mixture. Mop this time around.

Dry the Flooring

Two ways to do this:

  • Open up the windows to let natural air into the room or;
  • Turning on the fan to create artificial air.


Note: any of the two works, but make sure the flow of air is directed to the path where the glue had stuck to the vinyl flooring. A concentration of air on that spot, for a long time, will help dry the area.


5. Sand-off the Glue

This method might seem “harsh” or abrasive, but the results are always nice. Sanding off the glue means using sand to get rid of the glue on the vinyl flooring.

These are the items needed:

  • Sand
  • Sandpaper and;
  • Clean cloth



Start by sprinkling fine sand over the spot where glue or adhesive stuck to the flooring. Use a fine-grit sandpaper to “sand” or rub the sand into the affected area. Be gentle with this, considering that both sand and sandpaper are abrasive and could harm the vinyl flooring.

When done, dip a clean cloth into a bowl of cold water, wring excess moisture out of it, and use it to clean the area.


6. How to Use WD-40 to Remove Adhesive

It is also possible to use the WD-40 solution to tackle glue stains on vinyl flooring. Follow these steps to get it right:

  • Spray a little of the WD-40 solution over the stained part of the vinyl flooring.
  • Allow it to sit for some minutes before proceeding to the next stage.
  • Wipe away the adhesive and the residues with a clean cloth or a paper towel.


Mist the Stained Area with pH Neutral Cleaner

Using a pH-neutral cleaner can be your favorite method of getting rid of adhesives from a vinyl floor. Here’s why:

  • The cleaner is pH neutral – meaning that it doesn’t harm the flooring after cleaning.
  • You can use it as a neutralizer.


Method of Application

Follow these steps to put the pH-neutral cleaner to good use:

a.     Mist the Cleaner onto the Floor

For the best results, the pH-neutral cleaner should be used after cleaning the glue with a damp cloth – and the stains remain.

In that case, you need to mist some of the pH-neutral cleaners onto the stained part of the flooring.

b.    Agitate the Area

Give the cleaner a few minutes to settle before using a medium, bristle brush or a scouring pad to agitate the floor.

c.     Clear the Residues

Prepare the floor for cleaning by rinsing with clean water, blot-drying until there is no more transfer of the stains – and cleaning again with a dry cloth.

d.    Dry the Area

Open your windows to let natural air into the room. In a couple of hours, the area will be fully-dried; leaving you with clearer vinyl flooring.



1. How to Remove Sticky Tile Glue from Floor?

Use a glue remover to do this. Before applying the remover, ensure that a good amount of the adhesive has been removed with a plastic scraper. Then, you can follow the manufacturer’s instructions (on the label) to get rid of the remaining adhesives.

2. How to Tackle Glue Seeping Through Vinyl Floor?

If the adhesive seeps through the vinyl flooring, the best thing to do is to clean both the grout and the tile with a homemade or recommended cleaning solution. When done, seal the grout and tile joints.

3. How to Remove Super Glue from Vinyl Flooring?

You can use a putty knife to lift the glue, before wiping clean with acetone. You can also remove the adhesive with soapy water, WD-40 solution, and white vinegar mixed with equal portions of water.



Removing glue or adhesive from vinyl flooring can be difficult, but doable. From the DIY approach of using homemade cleaning solutions to using commercial cleaners and soapy water – there are tens of ways to get the job done.

If none of these steps worked, it might then be a sign to have the vinyl flooring replaced. Reach out to a professional for guidance.