How To Get Urine Out of Grout Around Toilet

Ugh, that familiar unfriendly smell coming from the toilet area can only mean one thing – urine has invaded the grout lines! We’ve all been there, when a poorly aimed stream hits those porous grout joints and leaves behind a yellowish stain and foul odor. As unpleasant as it is, this common mishap doesn’t have to be the end of your nice-looking tile. With some tried and true cleaning tricks, you can get your grout sparkling again.

Let me walk you through how to tackle this smelly problem step-by-step.

First things first, take a good look at how bad the damage is. Are we talking light stains or heavy discoloration? Old crusted-on urine or fresh? What products and techniques you use will depend on how set-in the stains are.

Next up, gather your cleaning supplies. A trip to the closet for some vinegar and to the store for an enzyme cleaner will give you what you need. Don’t forget safety gear like gloves and goggles – we are dealing with pee after all!

Now comes a little effort from you! I’ll share some of my favorite grout-cleaning potions so you can get scrubbing. Let’s get started


Assess the Situation

Let’s check out the damage. Take a good close look at each grout line – are the stains spread out or concentrated in one area? Super old or more recent? The amount of time and type of cleaning needed depends on how bad and how old the stains are.

Do you have pets? Their bathroom misadventures can create an ongoing grout cleaning chore. A one-time human slip-up is easier to tackle than routine animal accidents. So, think about pet-proofing if your pet is the culprit.

Finally, are you equipped with the right tools and ready to spend some extended tile tidying time? Good grout cleaning takes a little while to loosen up embedded urine. However, breaking out that toothbrush scrubber and setting aside some time will get the job done right.


Assemble Your Cleaning Supplies

Let’s gather what you’ll need get your grout fresh again:

  • White vinegar or apple cider vinegar to cut through stains
  • Baking soda to mix with vinegar and bubble away grime
  • Toothbrush or other stiff brush to really scrub
  • Optional grout brush for larger areas
  • Spray bottle to apply cleaners
  • Gloves to keep hands clean
  • Goggles to protect peepers from chemicals
  • Hydrogen peroxide to fizz away debris
  • Bleach to sanitize and brighten
  • Rags for rinsing and drying
  • Enzyme cleaner to eliminate odor causes
  • Resealing grout protector

Grab what you have at home, hit the store for the rest, and get ready to make that grout shine!

Read: How To Clean Floor Tile Grout Without Scrubbing


Mix Up a Vinegar Cleaning Solution

Let’s start with a natural cleaning combo of vinegar and baking soda. Spray or pour plain vinegar right onto the grout lines and let it sit for a few minutes. Vinegar will help break down mineral deposits that cause stains.

Make a paste of baking soda and water, then use your toothbrush to really work it into the grout. The bubbles from the baking soda will help lift away grime.

Scrub like crazy along the grout lines to displace every last bit of gunk. The abrasive texture of baking soda combined with the cleaning power of vinegar makes this classic combo a go-to grout cleaner!

Rinse thoroughly with water and repeat if needed until stains disappear. Ah, sparkling grout – what a beautiful sight!


Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Here’s another cleaning staple already in your cabinet – hydrogen peroxide! Pour 3% peroxide directly onto the grout and let it sit for a couple minutes. This allows the bubbles time to lift stains.

Then grab that scrub brush and go to town on the foamy grout. The hydrogen peroxide will oxidize and help break down the minerals in the urine stain. Scrub off any gunk loosened by the peroxide.

Give a final rinse with clean water. For extra cleaning power, make a paste of equal parts baking soda and peroxide. Leave it on the grout for a few minutes before scrubbing for maximum effectiveness. Stains don’t stand a chance against this dynamic duo!


Bleach Away Lingering Stains

If stains still linger, it’s time to bring in the big guns – bleach. This disinfecting superstar can sanitize the area and remove discoloration.

Mix one part bleach with about ten parts water. Apply this diluted solution to the grout and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Then grab a grout brush or toothbrush and scrub off the bleach and any remaining gunk.

Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection when using bleach. Ventilate the area – bleach can get pretty smelly! Also don’t use it on colored grout, as the bleach can discolor the tile.

Rinse well and say bye-bye to those nasty urine stains! Bleach may take some safety precautions, but it’s a grout whitener that really works.


Scrub and Rinse for Sparkling Grout

No matter what cleaning solutions you use, be prepared to give those grout lines some serious scrubbing. Really get in the grout crevices with your brush to lift out every trace of urine residue and bacteria. Applying that elbow grease ensures a deeper clean.

Rinse thoroughly after scrubbing to clear away all the loosened gunk and cleaning product residue. It may take a few rounds of scrubbing and rinsing to fully refresh the grout, but your efforts will be rewarded with pristine grout!


Use an Enzyme Cleaners

For really stubborn pet urine stains, an enzyme cleaner is the ultimate weapon. Spray or wipe on an enzymatic cleaner and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. The enzymes will break down the compounds in the urine on a molecular level.

Use a soft grout brush or sponge to gently scrub after allowing the enzyme cleaner time to work. Avoid harsh scrubbing, so the enzymes can keep working to digest the urine proteins.

Enzyme cleaners are formulated specifically for eliminating tough uric acid stains and odors. Let the enzymes do their job, and even old, set-in pet urine stains can be busted.


Reseal Grout to Repel Future Stains

Once you’ve won the battle against urine stains, it’s time to protect your grout for the future. Apply a grout sealer to create a waterproof barrier. This keeps moisture from being reabsorbed into the grout.

Carefully apply sealer to the entire grout area, following the product directions. Let it dry completely. Then buff off any hazy residue with a soft cloth, leaving the sealer only in the grout joints.

Reseal the grout yearly to maintain its liquid-repelling superpowers. Sealed grout won’t absorb urine, so stains will wipe away easily.


How to prevent future stains

You conquered those nasty stains – now let’s make sure the problem doesn’t return! Here are some tips for urine-free grout.

Potty Train Pets Properly

If your pet is the pee perpetrator, get serious about pet potty training. Take them out or to litter boxes frequently. Reward them with treats when they go in the right spot.

Restrict pet access to bathrooms until they are fully trained. Close doors, use pet gates, or keep your furry friend confined to pet-friendly areas of the house. Just maintain constant vigilance!

Senior pets may need more frequent bathroom breaks or even an additional litter box. Help aging animals avoid accidents with easy access to their potty areas.

Clean Up Spills ASAP

If an accident does happen on your grout, clean it up right away. Blot the area with paper towels to absorb as much liquid as possible. Rinse thoroughly with water then spray on an enzyme cleaner.

The quicker you go from oops to clean-up, the less time urine has to set into grout. Catching it fresh makes removal much easier. Grout stains hate fast action!

Keep Grout Sealed

Reapply grout sealer regularly to maintain a protective barrier against liquid absorption. Sealed grout won’t let urine soak in, making it easier to clean up.

Target high pet traffic areas for more frequent resealing. Well-maintained grout sealer makes a huge difference in keeping grout pee-free.

Now go enjoy your pristine, sparkling clean grout! Arm yourself with the right tools and knowledge, and you can keep your tile and grout in tip-top shape, urine-stains free.


Bottom Line

With a sparkling clean, urine-free toilet area, you can now enjoy your bathroom again! Don’t let pet accidents get the best of your grout. With the right cleaning methods and protective sealers, you can keep your tile and grout looking their very best.