How To Clean Shower Grout Without Scrubbing

If you’re like me, scrubbing shower grout seems like an endless chore. No matter how much elbow grease I apply, some discoloration always remains in those porous crevices. My wrists and knees ache for days afterwards too.

But recently, I discovered some effective grout cleaning methods that don’t require all that tedious scrubbing. Trust me, this can help remove those shower grout without stress. So, keep reading to find out


Why It’s Important To Clean Grout

Before we dive into the techniques, let’s chat about why grout cleaning is so crucial. Grout fills the joints between tiles on shower walls and floors to prevent water leakage.

It’s porous and will absorb dirt, soap scum, mildew, and hard water deposits over time. If allowed to build up, this grime not only looks unsightly, but can also lead to mold growth. Regular cleaning keeps grout looking fresh as a daisy, while protecting its waterproofing properties.

Here are some specific perks of keeping grout clean:

  • Prevents stains – Dirt and grime can discolor grout over time. Regular cleaning prevents stubborn stains from setting in.
  • Inhibits mold – Mold and mildew grow quicker than weeds in damp environments like showers. Keeping grout free of soil and buildup inhibits mold growth.
  • Maintains aesthetics – Grout that is uniformly clean and bright gives a shower a fresh, appealing look. Discolored grout just looks dingy.
  • Extends lifespan – Allowing stains and mildew to penetrate grout can break down its integrity prematurely. Keeping it clean maximizes its working lifespan.
  • Improves waterproofing – When pores get clogged with grime, it interferes with grout’s ability to seal out moisture. Clean grout maximizes waterproofing.
  • Enhances safety – Mold growth resulting from dirt buildup in grout can pose health hazards for some folks. Keeping grout clean mitigates this risk.

As you can see, there are many important reasons to get into the habit of regular grout cleaning and maintenance. Protecting this unsung hero of the shower has impacts beyond just aesthetics.

Read: How To Clean A Plastic Shower Floor In 9 Steps


Cleaning Solutions That Don’t Require Scrubbing

Thankfully, there are several cleaning solutions that can cut through grime and discoloration without having to scrub for hours. They’re inexpensive DIY options you likely have in your pantry right now.


Distilled white vinegar is a mild acid that dissolves mineral deposits, soap residue, and grease.

  • Fill a spray bottle with undiluted vinegar and spray liberally over grout.
  • Allow it to sit for at least an hour before rinsing with water.
  • For tougher stains, leave the vinegar on overnight. The longer it sits, the better it cleans without any effort on your part.
  • The acidic properties of vinegar work to break down grime and hard water deposits that discolor grout.

Any type of vinegar will work, but distilled white vinegar has the most cleaning power. Always use it undiluted for maximum effectiveness.

Baking Soda

Baking soda doesn’t actually clean grout, but helps lift dirt from the crevices.

  • Make a paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water.
  • Apply the paste and let sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. The baking soda paste can also be combined with vinegar to create a fizzing cleaning reaction.

The abrasive texture of baking soda scrubs away at grime, while the alkaline composition helps dissolve grease and soils. When combined with vinegar, the acid-base reaction doubles the cleaning power. This is a great way to remove stubborn grout stains.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another household item that excels at whitening discolored grout.

  • Pour undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle and lightly spritz over grout lines.
  • Allow to sit for at least one hour before rinsing thoroughly. Hydrogen peroxide works by releasing oxygen, which lifts stains in a non-abrasive manner.

As the oxygen bubbles penetrate the grout, they break down and lift stains.

Hydrogen peroxide is especially effective against mildew and soap scum buildup. Allowing it to dwell for longer periods gives it more time to work on tough grout stains.

Commercial Cleaners

Look for commercial grout cleaners that specifically say “no scrubbing required” on the label. Many contain bleach or other whitening agents to instantly brighten up dingy grout.

Carefully follow label directions, as some may require gloves or ventilation due to harsh fumes.

There are now many specialty grout cleaners on the market that are designed to whiten and brighten without scrubbing.

Look for ones containing oxygen bleach for stain-lifting power. Be sure to have proper ventilation when using strong commercial cleaners.

Read: How To Remove Mold From Shower Grout


Application Methods That Doesn’t Require Scrubbing

In addition to using the cleaning solutions mentioned above, you’ll want to apply them without scrubbing. Here are some easy grout cleaning techniques to try:

Spray and Wait

This is the most hands-off method. Simply spray your chosen cleaning solution generously over grout lines, allowing it to soak in for at least an hour before rinsing. Longer dwell times result in better cleaning. You can spray vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or commercial cleaners using this technique.

The key is allowing time for the cleaning agents to penetrate and work on the grout. Don’t wipe or rinse immediately after spraying. Patience leads to better results. Set a timer if needed to ensure you allow adequate soaking time before rinsing.

Magic Eraser

Dampen a Magic Eraser with water or cleaning solution and gently rub over the grout. The melamine foam construction offers a touch-free scrubbing action to lift dirt. Be cautious using Magic Eraser on epoxy grout, as it can remove the color coating.

Magic Erasers provide just enough gentle abrasion to help lift stains without having to bear down and scrub. And when combined with a cleaning solution, they can be even more effective. Gently wipe in small circular motions to avoid eroding epoxy grout coatings.

Grout Pen

This specialty cleaning tool has an angled foam applicator tip. Load the pen reservoir with a cleaning solution, then drag it along grout lines to dispense the cleaner and lightly scrub. Look for grout pens with two reservoir chambers to separately apply cleaner and sealer.

The contoured shape allows you to apply cleaning solution directly to grout lines. The foam pad scrubs gently as you wipe. Use convenient pre-loaded grout cleaner cartridges or fill the reservoir yourself. This precision cleaning minimizes waste.


For spot cleaning, an old toothbrush can be used to work cleaning solution into heavily soiled areas of grout. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion. This allows you to target problem areas without having to scrub the entire surface.

The toothbrush bristles provide light agitation to help dissolve built-up grime. Dip the toothbrush in your cleaning solution and gently scrub stubborn spots or stains. The handle gives you more control than a traditional scrub brush.

Read: How To Clean a Walk-in Tiled Shower Floor


Preventing Dirt and Mildew Buildup

To minimize the need for heavy duty grout cleaning down the road, make these habits part of your regular bathroom routine:

Seal Grout

Sealing grout creates an invisible barrier that prevents stains from penetrating the porous surface. Grout sealers are available in easy-to-use applicator bottles. Reapply yearly or as directed.

Sealers minimize the amount of dirt and moisture that can be absorbed into grout. This keeps it looking cleaner longer, while also inhibiting mildew growth. Be sure to use products designed specifically for grout sealing.

Daily Maintenance

Get ahead of grime buildup by spraying shower walls and floors with cleaner after each use. Quick daily cleaning keeps stains from setting in and becoming more difficult to remove.

A quick wipe down after showering removes excess moisture and soap residue before it has a chance to dry and harden on grout. Consistency is key – make this a part of your regular routine.

Bathroom Ventilation

Run the exhaust fan, open a window, or crack the door during and after showering. Limiting moisture buildup inhibits mildew growth in grout and other areas.

Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments. Proper ventilation removes humid air, allowing surfaces to dry out fully. Make this a habit, even during cooler weather when you may not think about venting moisture.

Monthly Deep Cleaning

Set aside time each month for a more thorough grout cleaning session. Scrubbing is optional – use a steam cleaner or concentrated cleaner and let it dwell for maximum effect.

No matter how diligent your daily maintenance, grout will need periodic deep cleaning to look its best. Take time to tackle this task each month to prevent major buildup.

Grout Color Sealing

For discolored or stained grout that cannot be fully cleaned, consider applying a colored grout sealant. These coatings renew the uniform appearance of grout lines.

When stains persist even after deep cleaning, a tinted sealer can provide a like-new appearance. Choose a color that matches your existing grout. Reapply annually.


When to Seek Professional Help

If you’ve attempted the cleaning methods described but are still unable to get grout fully clean and white again, it may be time to call in a professional. Signs it’s time to bring in help include:

  • Persistent visible mold growth
  • Bad odors coming from grout
  • Significant cracking or crumbling of grout
  • Leaks or moisture seeping through grout
  • Grout that is structurally or physically damaged

In these cases, the underlying issue is beyond routine cleaning and maintenance. Seeking professional grout repair will get your shower back into tip-top shape.



To summarize, cleaning grout is an essential shower maintenance task with big payoffs for your bathroom’s appearance, sanitation and longevity. Thankfully, you can get grout sparkling clean without tedious scrubbing using common household ingredients and smart techniques.

Consistent sealing and daily upkeep will also keep your grout looking fresher longer. Give some of these simple grout cleaning methods a try next time your shower could use a refresh.