How To Clean Rough Slate Floor Tiles

If you’ve chosen slate floors to add character to your home, you know they look absolutely beautiful when properly cared for. But keeping those stylish slate tiles looking their best with all those uneven grooves and ridges can feel like a chore!

Don’t worry – with the right tools and techniques, you can keep your textured slate floors gleaming. Here’s my handy guide to cleaning rough slate tile the right way.


What Makes Slate Flooring So Special?

Slate’s been used for flooring for ages, and for good reason! Slate’s metamorphic properties make it super durable – we’re talking lasting 50-100 years with proper maintenance. Compressed from volcanic ash and mud over eons, slate’s mineral composition allows it to be split into perfect tiles. The ridge patterns and varied colors you see in the tiles come from slate’s layered structure. So in short, slate brings uniqueness, longevity, and rustic beauty to your home’s floors.

But all that texture we love about slate can also spell trouble…


Why Slate Flooring Needs Special Care

The ridges and grooves that make slate so striking also make it high-maintenance. Dirt, dust, and spills can lodge deep in the crevices of rough slate. This trapped grime causes dullness, discoloration, and an unkempt appearance over time. To prevent buildup and maintain slate’s beauty, gentle but thorough cleaning is essential. Harsh chemicals and abrasives can damage slate’s soft layers, so specialized care is key.


Problems With Rough Slate Tiles

Rough slate’s textured surface leads to some common cleaning headaches:

Dirt Gets Trapped in Grooves

From tracked-in soil to dusty animal feet, debris collects between slate ridges where bristles of vacuums and mops can’t reach. This leads to dinginess and dark streaks.

Discoloration Occurs Over Time

Spills seep into slate pores, leaving stains. So, areas of wear become lighter than surrounding tiles. These changes ruin the uniform beauty of the flooring.

Slate Loses Its Signature Shine

With debris filling in the slate’s grooves, the floor’s dynamic design and lustrous finish is dulled. For this, gentle cleaning is needed to remove buildup.


Handy Cleaning Tips for Rough Slate

With a soft touch and the proper supplies, you can clean rough slate floors effectively:

Dust Mop Frequently

Use a microfiber dust mop or soft-bristle broom often to remove surface-level dust and debris from the grooves before it accumulates. Focus on high traffic areas around entries, kitchens, and dining rooms. This easy step prevents deeper buildup.

Vacuum First If Needed

For floors with deep ridges, use a vacuum attachment first to lift out loose debris. Avoid brush heads, which can scar slate. Wand attachments are ideal for crevice cleaning.

Wet Mop With pH Neutral Cleaner

Use a sponge mop and pH neutral stone cleaner to lift dirt from deep crevices. Avoid vinegar, ammonia, bleach, alcohol, and soap, as these can etch and discolor slate. Use cool water and minimal cleaner. Rinse thoroughly.

Scrub Gently With Soft Bristle Brush

For stubborn spots, use a soft bristle brush dipped in pH neutral cleaner. Apply light pressure and small circular motions. Stubborn debris and stains may require occasional scrubbing, but take care not to scour away slate’s soft surface.

Reseal Every 1-2 Years

Applying new layers of penetrating sealant will protect rough slate’s porous surface from new stains. Look for a sealant made specifically for slate. Resealing also enhances shine.


Supplies You’ll Need

  • Soft broom or microfiber dust mop – traps surface dust without abrasion
  • Sponge mop – gently cleans slate grooves when wet
  • Soft bristle brush – scrubs spots without damaging slate
  • pH neutral stone cleaner – lifts dirt without etching surface
  • Sealant – protects slate and enhances luster


Step-By-Step Guide for Cleaning Rough Slate Floors

Follow these steps regularly to keep rough slate floors looking fresh:

1. Sweep Away Loose Debris

Use a clean, dry microfiber mop or soft broom to remove surface dust, dirt, and hair. Sweep in all directions along the grooves to lift debris. Discard dust pad or sweep pile into dustpan.

2. Vacuum Out Grooves

Attach a wand tool to vacuum. Carefully vacuum grooves and ridges to extract fine dust and dirt. Work slowly to lift debris instead of grinding it in.

3. Wet Mop Floor

Fill a bucket with cool water and add a small amount of pH neutral cleaner made for natural stone. Dip your sponge mop into the solution, wring out excess liquid, and mop over the entire slate floor. Try to rinse mop and re-wet as needed.

4. Detail Clean Grout

Use a grout brush dipped in the cleaner to scrub debris from between slate tiles. Remove residual dirt along the grout that can make floors appear dingy, and rinse thoroughly.

5. Spot Scrub Stubborn Areas

Allow the floor to dry fully after mopping. Dip a soft bristle brush into the cleaner and gently scrub any remaining spots. Apply light pressure in circular motions, and avoid aggressive scrubbing.

6. Blot Up New Spills

Immediately blot fresh spills with a dry terry cloth rag to soak up excess liquid. For grease stains, sprinkle talcum powder to absorb the oil, then sweep it away.

7. Rinse Away Residue

Wet your mop with clean, cool water. Wring out excess liquid and mop over the slate again to remove any cleaning solution residue. Allow the floor to air dry fully.


Caring For Your Slate Keeps It Looking Lovely

Wow – we covered a lot of ground on keeping rough slate floors spotless! With some effort, the right tools, and regular TLC, you can keep your slate tiles looking as striking as the day they were installed for years to come. Follow these tips, and you’ll fall in love with your slate floors all over again!