How To Clean River Rock Shower Floor

There’s nothing worse than stepping into your beautiful river rock shower only to find it looking grimy. While the stones add wonderful texture, they’re also prone to collecting dirt, mold, and mildew in all those little crevices. It can be frustrating trying to scrub out the gunk by hand. But don’t worry; you can get that shower floor sparkling again with the right tools and techniques. Who wants to shower surrounded by mildew and muck? Not you!

In this guide, we’ll share all the best tips for deep cleaning river rock floors. And with some simple natural cleaners, the right brushes, and a little routine maintenance, you can easily keep the stones fresh. Keep reading


Understand Why River Rock Gets So Dirty

Before diving into how to clean river rock shower floors, it’s helpful to understand what makes them so prone to getting dirty in the first place. River rock has tons of uneven surfaces, cracks, and pores that easily collect residues from soap, shampoo, and dirt that get tracked in. Additionally, the damp environment of the shower creates the perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria. To keep your river rock hygienic, regular deep cleanings are a must.


Use The Right Tools And Cleaners

Having the proper gear makes cleaning river rock much easier. Here are some must-have items:

Scrub Brush

An abrasive scrub brush with sturdy bristles is key for dislodging grime in all those small crevices. Look for one with a long handle so you can comfortably scrub while standing on your feet.

Grout Brush

A specialized grout brush has stiffer bristles in a rectangular shape that lets you scour the grout lines between rocks. This helps remove mold and mildew buildup.


As a natural cleaner and disinfectant, white vinegar is ideal for sanitizing and deodorizing river rock. The acidic vinegar also helps dissolve soap scum, water deposits, and stains.

Baking Soda

Sprinkling baking soda onto damp rock and scrubbing activates its gritty texture to help lift dirt from pores. Baking soda also naturally whitens and deodorizes.

Oxygen Bleach Cleaner

Non-chlorine oxygen bleach cleaners give extra stain-fighting and whitening power to tackle stubborn buildup in rocky crevices. Look for an oxygen bleach without dyes or added fragrances to avoid residue.


Do A Deep Cleaning Regularly

Set aside time for a thorough deep cleaning of your river rock shower floor at least once a month. Here are the steps:

Sweep Away Loose Debris

Use a small broom to give the floor a good sweep, collecting any leaves, hair or other debris scattered across the rock surface. This prevents the debris from getting wet and sticking.

Apply Cleaner And Let Sit

Spray your chosen cleanser like vinegar, oxygen bleach or bathroom disinfectant all over the floor until thoroughly coated. Let it sit and penetrate for 5-10 minutes.

Scrub Vigorously With Brushes

Use your scrub brush and grout brush to scour every inch of the rock surface, grout lines and crevices. Apply some muscle to remove stubborn buildup!

Rinse Well

Rinse the floor thoroughly with hot water from your detachable showerhead or a spare bucket. Keep rinsing until the water runs clear.

Squeegee Away Excess Water

Drag a shower squeegee over the floor to wipe away pooling water, which prevents new mildew growth.

Let Air Dry

Leave the shower door open to allow the floor to completely air dry before your next use.


Spot Clean After Each Shower

To prevent heavy soil buildup between deep cleanings, do a quick once-over after each use:

Spray With Vinegar Mix

Fill a spray bottle with 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts water. Mist the floor and walls. Vinegar inhibits mildew growth.

Scrub With Brush

Use your scrub brush on any visible soap scum or dirt accumulation.


Rinse away any remaining debris with a light spray.

Squeegee & Dry

Wipe up all excess moisture with a shower squeegee. Leave open to dry.


Prevent Mildew And Mold Growth

Since river rock showers are prone to mildew, be proactive with these tips:

Control Moisture

Leave the bathroom fan running for 30 minutes after showering. Open the door to allow moisture to escape.

Spray Bleach Mix Weekly

Make a spray with 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. Mist over all surfaces weekly to kill mold spores.

Use Anti-Mildew Bathroom Paint

Paint walls with bathroom paint containing additives that inhibit mildew growth. Re-paint every two years.

Keep Things Dry

Immediately wipe down and dry surfaces after use. Fix any leaks immediately.

Increase Ventilation

If your shower area is poorly ventilated, consider installing a more powerful bathroom fan.


Deep Clean With Hydrogen Peroxide

For a superpowered clean, try making a paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Here’s how:

Add Baking Soda To Bucket

Pour 1 cup of baking soda into a bucket or large bowl.

Mix In Hydrogen Peroxide

Gradually mix in 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to form a spreadable paste.

Apply Paste To Rock

Wearing gloves, apply the fizzy paste to your shower floor with a scrub brush.

Let Bubble For 15 Minutes

Allow the paste to work for 15 minutes as the peroxide reacts.

Scrub Clean

Use your scrub brush to thoroughly scour the foaming paste over the floor.


Rinse away the paste until all residue is gone.

The oxygen given off by the peroxide helps break down tough stains, whitens, and disinfects as you scrub!


Re-Seal Grout Lines

If your rock shower floor has grout between the tiles, be sure to seal the grout every 1-2 years to prevent staining and mildew buildup within the porous grout. Using a sealing product formulated for shower grout will waterproof and protect. Follow product directions carefully.

Know When To Call A Pro

While regular cleaning should keep your river rock shower floor looking fresh, sometimes professional help is needed:

  • If mold and mildew is widespread despite your best efforts
  • If stains have set into the porous rocks that you can’t remove
  • If the rock floor is badly cracked or damaged
  • If re-sealing fails to protect deteriorating grout lines

Calling a knowledgeable stone and tile cleaning service can restore even severely neglected river rock showers.


Enjoy A River Rock Shower Floor Safely

Don’t let an unsightly, dirty river rock shower floor prevent you from enjoying this gorgeous and natural design element. Stay vigilant with regular scrubbing, stain removal, mildew prevention and deep cleaning as needed. With the right maintenance strategy, your river rock floor can look amazing and stay sanitary for your daily showers.

Here’s to happy, stress-free showering on your fresh, clean river rock!