How To Clean Laminate Floors Without Leaving a Film

Your laminate flooring will become cloudy if you use many cleaning products on it. If you are not fast to clean off the film, it will dull the floor’s shine. In a short time, you would have changed the flooring many times over.

Why not learn how to clean laminate floors without leaving a film behind? We will show you some of the steps and methods in this article.


Guidelines for Cleaning Cloudy Laminate Floors

If you notice that the flooring has a film; the best line of attack is cleaning up. You already know to steer clear of cleaning products containing harsh chemicals, as well as abrasive cleaners, such as steel wool.

In this section, we give you some step-by-step processes for cleaning your filmy or cloudy laminate flooring.


1.   Vacuum Your Floor

You are not just tackling filmy coats. You are also looking to remove the grit and debris on the surface. It will be better to use the right tools, for example, the vacuum. This helps you to remove the dust, dirt, and grit faster.

You can also remove loose soil and prep the laminate flooring for cleaning by using any of the following:

  • Disposable mopping cloth or;
  • Dry, dustmop.


2.   Make Your Own Laminate Floor Cleaner

It is now time to prepare the cleaning solution for the laminate floor. As you know, there are tens of cleaning products out there claiming to improve the shine of the flooring – but you want to be on the safe side. Hence, we recommend following the DIY template.

The items you need are:

  • Warm water
  • Distilled, white vinegar and;
  • A spray bottle


You have to mix equal parts of warm water and distilled white vinegar. A cup each is recommended, but you can increase the ratio, depending on the size of the room.

When done, pour into the spray bottle for application.


3.   Spray the Floor – and Mop

With the mixture readied in the spray bottle; you can now get to the main task of applying it to the affected area. To do this, follow these steps:

  • “Test-Run” the Mixture: don’t be in a hurry to apply the mixture, because you don’t want to create additional streaks. Instead, spray a small part of the laminate flooring to confirm the reaction.
  • Spray the Mixture on the Floor: lightly spritz the mixture from the spray bottle directly onto the clouded part of the flooring. Take it easy, so you don’t oversaturate the floor.
  • Damp-Mop the Floor: you can now use a microfiber mop to “work” the mixture into the filmy spots. Keep in mind that you must be fast with this and working in a “grid pattern” helps to make the task easier.


4.   Make the Laminate Flooring “Shine”

This is the last stage of this laminate flooring cleaning method. Here, you will “buff the floor to shine” – and this can be actualized by doing the following:

  • Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the floor. Work in smaller circles so you can remove most of the films while applying a little pressure at intervals.
  • Always inspect the areas to see if there are more films left behind.



Cleaning Films Out of Laminate Floors with a Spray Mop

In the previous example, we showed you how to use a microfiber mop to apply the cleaning solution. In this section, we show you how to use a spray mop for the same purpose.


a.   Start by Vacuuming the Floor

Make sure all the dust and dirt particles on the laminate flooring are removed. Use your vacuum to do this. When done, you can proceed to the next stage.

b.   Prepare the Cleaning Solution

For this purpose, we will use a combination of the following:

  • Equal parts of white vinegar and warm water.
  • Two and a half cups of rubbing alcohol.


Combine the equal parts of white vinegar and warm water first. When you are done, you can pour in the cups of rubbing alcohol.

Note: the addition of rubbing alcohol is optional. However, if you are looking to further preserve the floor, it makes sense to use it. The alcohol helps to dry up the moisture in the cleaning solution, further helping the flooring to dry faster.

c.    Put the Spray Mop to Use

With the mixture ready; have it transferred to the spray mop’s water tank. From there, you will follow these steps to put the mop to good use:

  • Run the spray mop from one end of the room to the other.
  • Do not hold the mop’s spray handle, because this will cause oversaturation. Instead, press the handle at intervals or when the previous cleaning solution applied to the floor has withered out.


d.   Dry the Flooring

You now give the laminate flooring some time to dry. Open up the windows or turn on the fan to hasten the process.


Cleaning Waxy Films from Your Laminate Floor

It is pertinent to mention that floor cleaners are not the only cause of film buildup on a laminate floor. You can also use wax and polish and they end up causing the flooring to become “dull.”

Therefore, if you identify wax to be the cause, we have a couple of steps to clean the film.

a.   Choose a Cleaning Solution

This is where it gets all tricky. Because wax is oily, you may not make a headway by using regular homemade cleaners like vinegar and water to clean the cloudy film. We recommend using mineral spirits.

b.   Apply the Mineral Spirits

Also known as Stoddard Solvent; mineral spirits are very effective for the removal of waxy film on laminate flooring. These are the directions to apply it:

  • Apply tiny drops of the mineral spirits on a clean cloth or rag. Make sure the rag or cloth is damp before use.
  • Apply the rag or cloth directly to the filmy part of the laminate flooring. Scrub gently, until the color changes from white to dark. That tells you the mineral spirits have lifted the waxy film out of the floor.



When to Use a PU Sealer

The laminate flooring might still be exposed to damage if it is not sealed, after cleaning. Using the PU Sealer, you’d be able to protect the flooring from scratches, while improving the aesthetics.

The best time to apply the PU Sealer is when you are done with wiping off the films using any of the cleaning methods detailed above.

For maximum coating, you want to combine the PU Sealer with the cross-linker. Follow these directions:

  • Use an equal ratio of the cross-linker and the PU Sealer.
  • Use a soft-bristle brush to apply the solution to the laminate flooring’s edges.
  • Continue the process until the whole surface is fully coated.


How to Remove Scuffs and Shoe Marks

Notice some scuff marks on your laminate flooring? They are caused by heels, shoes, and sometimes, pieces of furniture. While these marks might be deeper, you can still attempt to remove them.

Here is how to go about it:

  • Apply a cleaning solution to a clean, slightly abrasive microfiber cloth. Use the cloth to buff the area.
  • You can also use a clean tennis ball to buff the area.
  • Alternatively, use a pink school eraser to clear the scuff marks.
  • When you are done, wipe the area clean using a clean, damp cloth.



How To Prevent Film Buildup on Laminate Floors

You can take certain measures to prevent residues or films from building up on the floor. From reducing the foaminess of the floor cleaners to cleaning the area on time; a lot of steps can be taken to address the films.

These are some of the steps to take if you are intent on preventing filmy coatings:

a.   Avoid Certain Cleaning Products

If it’s not a homemade cleaner, then it might not be worth it. Not all floor cleaners successfully remove the stains. You must avoid the following kinds of products:

  • Floor waxes
  • All-purpose floor cleaners
  • Liquid dishwashing soap.


Note: you must also avoid using floor cleaners and related products. Even if they did bring back the “shine,” that would be at the expense of leaving residues behind and “dulling” the floor in the process.

b.   Reduce Exposure to Water

You must also be mindful of how you expose the flooring to water and moisture. Don’t leave lots of water on the surface, as this later transforms into a puddle.

c.    Minimal is Better

The fewer the floor cleaners used, the better. The rule of thumb is to use the least amount of any of the floor cleaning products. Don’t leave the solution to foam so much before use.

d.   Use Only the Designated Floor Cleaners

If in the market to buy floor cleaners; go for the ones specially formulated for laminate flooring.


The Don’ts of Cleaning Laminate Floors

You can preserve the shine and extend the lifespan of your laminate floors if you follow certain steps.

Likewise, you must avoid certain steps and tools if you must tidy the floor properly. Here are some of the don’ts of cleaning a laminate floor.

a.   Don’t Allow the Floor to Warp

You must not allow the flooring to warp or “consume” more moisture or water than necessary. Due to the specifics of having tightly-packed wood particles; the floor is prone to warping, due to the higher absorption of water than hardwood floors.

You can successfully do this by:

  • Spritzing only a small amount of water-based cleaning solution to the filmy area.
  • Wiping off the spills as soon as they happen and;
  • Never allow water to puddle on the flooring.


b.   Don’t Use a Steam Mop

Use only a microfiber mop or a spray mop. The two help to evenly distribute water across the floor.

You mustn’t use a steam mop for these reasons:

  • Steam-mopping exposes the fiberboard core to buckling and swelling.
  • If using warm water for the cleaning, do well to clean it up on time. That way, it doesn’t seep between the fiberboards and cause the flooring to swell or buckle.

c.    Avoid Abrasive Cleaners

You must never use abrasive tools, which further expose the flooring to scratches. For example, you mustn’t use the following tools:

  • Stiff brushes
  • Scouring pads and;
  • Steel wool


If you must use a brush, settle for the soft-bristle brushes that don’t scratch the floor.


d.   Keep Pets Away from the Floor

Got your pets in your home? They should be out of sight before and after cleaning your laminate flooring. It makes sense to trim the pets’ fingernails too, so they don’t end up scratching the floor with those.

e.   Don’t Ignore the Area Rugs

When cleaning your rooms, don’t make the mistake of ignoring the area rugs. They have been installed in those positions to “trap” grit, dirt, and other kinds of particles.

While cleaning, endeavor to raise the rugs and clean the under. That is a good way to remove the particles that have been trapped for some time.

f.    Vacuum and Don’t Sweep

There is an increased risk of damaging the floor if you sweep it, especially with a stiff broom. Instead, use a vacuum cleaner to get the particles away – and not have to leave some grits behind or scratch the flooring in the process.

g.   Be Selective with the Vacuum Cleaner

Not all vacuum cleaners are ideal for use. We recommend using the one without a beater bar – as it could scratch or dent the laminate flooring when in use.

e.   Avoid Harsh Floor Cleaners

Bleach, especially if undiluted, is not ideal for use on laminate flooring. It discolors and damages the protective cover in the process.


The Right Tools for Cleaning Laminate Floors

You would be able to clean the laminate floor appropriately if you picked the right tools. Some of these tools can be difficult to use, while some might cause damage.

We have made a list of some of the tools to use and why.

a.   Use Microfiber Brooms

These are the best types of brooms to use for your laminate flooring. The microfiber design lets you use the broom, without scratching.

Besides, you would be able to remove most of the grit and dirt particles in good time.

b.   Invest in a Microfiber Mop

You need a microfiber mop to help remove dirt and related particles from the laminate flooring before attempting any of the film-removal techniques.

Here are some tips on how to use the mop for the best results:

  • Go for a Floor Mop with Pads: buying a floor mop that has microfiber pads is a good way to get rid of the stains on the area, prevent scratching the laminate flooring, and remove any scuff marks.
  • Change the Pads: by frequently changing the pads, you will be able to retain the cleanliness the mop offers. Besides, regular microfiber pad change is recommended when the cleaning solution turns dark – a sign that the removed stains have oversaturated the current mop. If you don’t change it, then you will be reusing a dirty mop pad to clean a clean area again.
  • Go for Reusable Mop Pads: always choose the soft and reusable microfiber mop pads. Reason? They can be washed and used many times over. Much better than buying new ones!
  • Work in a Grid Pattern: always follow a grid pattern when using a microfiber mop. It is a good way of completing the cleaning of one part of the room, before going to the other.
  • Make it Damp: use a damp microfiber mop for these reasons – a faster removal of the stains and to guarantee that you won’t scratch the floor in the process.


f.    Use Microfiber Cloths Equally

The use of microfiber cloths helps to prevent scratches on the laminate flooring, improves the aesthetics of the floor via clean wipes, and helps make the whole process easier.

Always dip the cloth in a cleaning solution, wring excess water out, and use the damp cloth for spot-removal.


g.     Try Using a Spray Mop

You can use a spray mop too. As the name suggests, the mop allows you to “spray” or apply the cleaning solution to the appropriate places.

For better results, follow these guidelines:

  • Mix the cleaning solution and pour it into the mop’s water tank before cleaning.
  • Don’t press the button all the time. Only do so when it’s necessary. That way, you wouldn’t oversaturate the floor with moisture.
  • Go for the spray mop that comes with soft and washable microfiber pads.


h.   Get a Spray Bottle

You can use a spray bottle if you prefer getting on your hands and knees to clean the film out of your laminate floor.

We recommend these techniques for a streak-free finish:

  • Mix and pour the cleaning solution (usually distilled white vinegar, warm water, and a few drops of liquid, dishwashing soap, or essential oil) into the spray bottle.
  • Appy (spray) the solution to a smaller section of the floor. This is called “test spray.” Use it to test for the effectiveness of the solution before using it all up in the other sections.
  • Wipe the cleaning solution out of the floor, using a damp cloth. Do this many times over until the area dries.


i.    Use a Synthetic Kitchen Scouring Pad

Generally, scouring pads and sponges are not recommended for use with laminate flooring because they tend to scratch it. However, if you go for the synthetic kitchen scouring pad; you would be able to clean the stains without damaging the floor.

Here is how to use it:

  • Put a drop of liquid dishwashing soap on the scouring pad or sponge.
  • Scrub the stained area with it.
  • Clean the area with a mixture of distilled white vinegar and warm water to remove the dish soap residues.


Note: either the sponge or scouring pad can be used. Use them only when you want to scrub, i.e., removing the stubborn stains/films from a laminate floor.


Laminate Floor Care Tips & Tricks after Filmy Mess Removal

When you are done cleaning the cloudy appearance out of the laminate flooring; it would be time to boost the appearance of the floor.

In this case, we recommend doing some of the following:

1.   Wipe up Spills Right Away

Do not leave liquid spills (water, alcohol, or tea/coffee) to stay on the floor for a long time. Always wipe up with either a clean cloth or a paper towel.

2.   Buff the Floor Properly

When the cleaning solution has been applied, give it some time to sit before cleaning with a damp cloth. Finish up by buffing the flooring with a microfiber cloth. This helps to prevent streak-formation.

3.   Know When to Dab!

Not all spills on the laminate flooring need instant mopping. Some need to be dabbed at and mopped later.

For example, if you spilled tea or coffee, it is better to dab at the stained area with a paper towel, until most of the liquid is gone. You can then prepare a distilled white vinegar solution to aid the cleaning of the sticky film that might be forming.

4.   Don’t Be Quick to Use the Floor

Give your laminate flooring some time before using it. Otherwise, you would be stomping on the moisture in the cleaned area, thereby, causing streaks.



1.   What Causes Filmy Appearance on a Laminate Floor?

Debris and dirt stick to the excess moisture left behind by the cleaning solution. Your laminate floor also wears a dull look if you use an excess of cleaning solutions or floor cleaners.

2.   Can I Use Abrasive Cleaners on Laminate Floors?

Abrasive tools like steel wool and stiff brushes can etch or scratch the surface of the laminate floor. Instead, use a synthetic kitchen scouring pad to scrub stubborn cloudy appearances out of the floor.

3.   What is the Best Way to Clean Films Out of Laminate Flooring?

Sweep away the debris, prepare a white vinegar cleaning solution, clean the film, buff the floor, and allow to air-dry when done.


Final Words

When you are done buffing the floor, consider applying a PU Sealer solution. It is effective for maintaining a nice coating over the surface. Use a soft-bristle paintbrush to apply the solution and finish up with a microfiber paint roller.

Reach out to a professional laminate floor cleaning company to help you if all efforts to remove the filmy appearance prove abortive.