Can You Use Pine Sol on Vinyl Floor?

Now that you have spent a fortune on vinyl flooring, the next step is to maintain it. While this can be a bit expensive, it is a better option to pay for new flooring. When it comes to maintenance, the rule of thumb is to use the right cleaning products safe for vinyl planks.

In this article, we review Pine-Sol, one of the best cleaning products for different kinds of floors. In addition to using it on hardwood and laminate floors, you can also use it to get rid of stains on vinyl floors.


What is Pine-Sol?

It is a range of cleaning products by the Clorox Company. These cleaners are produced to kill germs, disinfect surfaces, deodorize surfaces, and provide a wholesome cleaning solution.


Can I Use Pine-Sol for My Vinyl Floor?

Yes, you can use this cleaning agent to remove stains from your vinyl flooring and disinfect the same.


How to Use Pine-Sol on Your Vinyl Floor

While the process of cleaning the vinyl floor is straightforward, it needs special care when dealing with specific cleaning solutions. When cleaning with Pine-Sol, you need to follow some procedures, which include:

1.   Protect Yourself

While Pine-Sol has some ingredients that don’t bleach the floor, these same ingredients might react negatively when they touch you. For example, you may suffer mild irritation on your skin if the cleaner interacts with your skin.

For this reason, getting and using some protective gear would go the extra mile to protect you. Here are some gears to get:

  • Respirator Mask: this helps to protect you from respiratory-related complications.
  • Overalls: put on long-sleeved overalls to protect your legs and other sensitive body parts from interacting with the cleaner.
  • Hand-Gloves: wearing hand-gloves can also protect your hands, which are always in direct contact with the cleaner.


2.   Gather Your Supplies

You wouldn’t be working with the cleaner alone. You need other tools, such as a bucket if you intend on using a mop to get rid of the stains. But if you prefer spraying on the stains before wiping, use a spray bottle.

Other supplies you need are:

  • Vacuum or Dry Mop: you can use either of the two to get rid of the dirt, debris, and dust on the vinyl floor’s surface.
  • Dry Towel: you need this to dry the floor after it must have been cleaned with Pine-Sol.
  • Wipe Cloth: make sure to go for a white, clean cloth. This enables you to see the stains as they come off.


3.   Start by Cleaning the Floor

The first step to cleaning vinyl flooring with Pine-Sol is to clean it. This can be done in two ways: sweeping or vacuuming. To avoid scratching the surface, no thanks to the abrasive grime on the dry mop; it is best to use a vacuum. The vacuum takes off the debris, dirt, or dust faster and without as much as scratching the floor’s surface.

The benefits of cleaning or “dusting” the floor beforehand include:

  • It helps to remove the dust, debris, or dirt that might impede your efforts to clean the floor and have it shine.
  • Particles, such as small stones are also removed in the process. Leaving them behind while cleaning could lead to scratches on the floor.


4.   Prepare the Pine-Sol Solution

It is now time to mix the Pine-Sol floor cleaner. We must sound a note of warning – do not overuse it as this could cause the floor to become sticky after the cleaning session.

You can use the ratio of one-quarter capful of the Pine-Sol to a gallon of water. You can also consider doing the following:

  • Decreasing the amount of the solution, based on the above ratio of ¼ capful of the Pine-Sol cleaner with a gallon of water.
  • You can also increase the mixture, using the same measurement.
  • Check the label on the Pine-Sol container. It should contain instructions on how to mix the cleaner.


5.   Start Mopping

With the mixture ready, it is time to get mopping. You can do that with any of these two methods:

  • Dip the clean, wipe cloth into the mixture and use it to wipe away on the vinyl floor.
  • You can also dip the mop into the bucket containing the mixture and use it to mop the floor’s surface.
  • If you’re using a spray bottle, spray the mixture into the wipe cloth and use it to wipe the floor.


Here are suggested precautions to take when mopping or cleaning the vinyl floor with Pine-Sol:

  • Do not make a direct application of the mixture and leave it for long. Always wipe with the dry cloth, as soon as possible.
  • Spray the mixture into the wipe cloth and use it to wipe the floor’s surface.
  • Pay extra attention to the stained spots when cleaning/wiping.
  • Always wring out as much water/mixture out of the mop or wipe cloth before using it on the vinyl flooring.


6.   Rinsing Comes Next!

This is sometimes optional for some persons, but for the best results, you want to rinse the vinyl floor after cleaning.

This should be done immediately after the floor is cleaned with the mixture. The benefits of doing so include:

  • Rinsing vinyl flooring helps to bring out the “shine.”
  • It is also a dedicated effort at preventing residues from building up, due to the possibility of the floor getting sticky. When this happens, the chemical traces on the floor become another challenge.


Here are some tips on how to properly rinse vinyl floors after cleaning with Pine-Sol mixture:

  • Use clean water for the rinsing.
  • Use a dry, soft towel for the rinsing.
  • Do not use excessive water for the rinsing. Rather than pouring water on the floor and waiting for it to dry, use a soft towel to dip into the water and clean the floor. Make sure to wring out as much moisture from it before doing so.



Pine-Sol vs. Other Cleaning Solutions

For the fact that Pine-Sol works well on vinyl flooring, you might be led to try other chemicals or cleaning agents on it.

Note that not all chemicals are ideal for flooring, irrespective of the water resistance. Here is a list of some of the cleaning solutions you mustn’t use:

  • Detergents: certain detergents, when used excessively, could create residues on the floor’s surface.
  • Ammonia: this might be termed a “harmless chemical” due to the ability to cut through grease. On the flip side, ammonia, when used on vinyl flooring, exposes it to cracking, discoloration of the surface, and posing a threat to the continued presence of the vinyl’s sheen.
  • Wax: the synthetic chemicals in wax exposes the floor’s coating to damage.



How to Maximize Pine-Sol for Cleaning Vinyl Floors

Using the right amount of Pine-Sol with water can help retain the shine on the vinyl floor and get rid of stains.

Here are extra measures you can take to maximize the usage for the best results:

  • Dilution is Important: never make the mistake of thinking that diluting the liquid would reduce the efficacy. On the contrary, diluting Pine-Sol with water or any other recommended solution helps to reduce the potential damages it poses to the floor, such as discoloring the surface.
  • Use Less Pine-Sol Concentration: you shouldn’t use much of the cleaner. Stick to the use of ¼ capful of Pine-Sol with a gallon of water.
  • Be Careful with the Choice of Tooling: certain tools must not be used for the cleaning. For example, hard, bristled tools could end up scrapping the floor, while cleaning with the Pine-Sol mixture.



Pine-Sol is formulated with some of the best ingredients that make cleaning vinyl flooring a breeze. An example is Glycolic Acid, which is an anti-microbial agent that aids in the removal of stains, mineral scale residues, and faded spots.

It also contains Alcohol Ethoxylate and Propyl Heptyl Ethers, which act as reactants. They aid in the removal of grease-based and oily stains on the vinyl floor.

Finally, using the Pine-Sol mixture in the right proportion is key to cleaning the surface of the vinyl floor to retain the shine – and having no residues left behind.