Can You Steam Clean Rug on Hardwood Floors?

Have you ever looked at your beautiful hardwood floors and felt frustrated that your rugs seem dingy and dirty in comparison? In truth, our rugs take such a beating from constant foot traffic, spills, pet accidents, and kids playing that they start to look grimy in no time. And keeping them pristine while protecting the wood can be challenging, especially when you have rugs on top.

Of course, we know steam cleaning can bring rugs back to life and make the colors pop again. But can you actually use a steam cleaner on rugs placed on hardwood floors? Is it risky to introduce that much moisture around wood?

This article will provide what you need to know about steam cleaning rugs on hardwood floors. Keep reading.


Why steam clean rugs at all?

Rugs trap dirt, allergens, and odors. All kinds of debris and grime get tracked inside and ground into the fibers of your rugs day after day. And these dirt and dust mites can aggravate allergies and asthma.

Steam cleaning sanitizes rugs. The heat and pressurized steam loosens and lifts away dirt, dust, allergens, and stuck-on grime from deep down in the rug fibers. Infact, the hot steam kills bacteria and sanitizes the rug.

Makes rugs look like new. All that embedded dirt and stains can be blotted out in the process. And after steam cleaning, the colors look vibrant again, with their patterns and textures standing out crisply.

Extends the life of rugs. Gritty debris acts like sandpaper on rug fibers, wearing them down over time. So, allowing dirt to accumulate can speed up deterioration. However, steam cleaning preserves the rug so you don’t have to replace it as often.


Is it safe for hardwood floors?

This is the big question. The good news is you can safely steam clean rugs on top of hardwoods. You just need to take a few precautions to protect the floors.

Prevent excess moisture

  • Use a low-moisture steam cleaner made for rugs and upholstery. Avoid super-saturated “steam” from a hard floor cleaner.
  • Don’t let the rug sit wet for hours. Blot up moisture with towels as you go. Run fans to help rugs dry faster.
  • Lift up corners periodically to get airflow underneath as the rug dries.

Pad the floors

  • Put down cotton mats or towels under the rug edges and any furniture legs on the hardwoods.
  • Use a thin plastic film underneath if you have unsealed floors. Look for rosin paper or plastic paint drop cloths.
  • Avoid moisture barriers like rubber backed pads, which seal in dampness rather than absorbing it.

Watch for leaks

  • Inspect hoses and connections for leaks before turning on the steam. Fix any worn seals or cracks.
  • Keep an eye out for leaks developing during cleaning. Shut off steam immediately if you see water dripping down.


Prep your floors and rugs

Getting your space ready goes a long way towards safe steam cleaning. Here are some tips:

Sweep and vacuum

  • Use a broom to sweep up any loose debris and dirt from the floors and rug surfaces.
  • Go over the rug thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner before steam cleaning. This removes gritty particles that could scratch the wood.

Remove furniture

  • Light pieces like end tables are easy to slide onto protected areas of flooring.
  • For heavier furniture like sofas or beds, put down plastic film or drop cloths underneath legs and pull furniture onto them to keep the floors protected.

Inspect for damage

  • Look for existing moisture damage or loose boards and get repairs made before attempting to steam clean rugs.
  • Torn or frayed rug edges and backing can allow more moisture to leak through. Seal tears with waterproof tape before cleaning.

Allow floors to dry between cleaning

  • If you have multiple rugs to clean, space out the process over a few days.
  • Let floors dry completely for 24-48 hours after one rug dries before doing the next. Slowing down prevents moisture buildup.


Step-by-step guide to steam cleaning rugs on hardwood

When you’re ready to clean, follow these steps to safely steam rugs without harming floors:

1. Vacuum the rug

Go over the entire rug surface thoroughly with a vacuum to pick up surface debris. Use an upholstery attachment to reach into crevices and patterns.

2. Pretreat stains

Apply a carpet pretreatment solution onto any tough spots and stains. Allow it time to work in before steam cleaning.

3. Pad the floor around the edges

Place cotton towels or mats under the rug’s edges to absorb moisture as you clean. Cover high-traffic areas too.

4. Lift up corners

Periodically peel back the corners of the rug as you work to allow air to flow underneath so the pad absorbs moisture rather than sealing it in.

5. Steam clean in sections

Work in manageable sections slowly and methodically so you don’t oversaturate any area. Make multiple light passes rather than one heavy pass.

6. Blot between passes

Blot up excess moisture from the rug surface before going over it again. Absorb as much dampness as possible.

7. Lift rug when finished

After the final pass, immediately lift the rug off the floor to allow air circulation and drying.

8. Dry completely

Expose the rug and floor to fan to speed drying. And don’t put the rug back down until totally dry, which could take up to 24 hours.


Key Takeaway – Be patient for the best result.

Steam cleaning rugs on hardwood floors take a gentle approach. So, be prepared for the process to take longer compared to cleaning a rug elsewhere. But by taking precautions, you can safely deep clean rugs without damaging floors. Just take small sections at a time and thoroughly dry to ensure moisture doesn’t overwhelm the wood.