Can You Steam Clean Engineered Hardwood Floors?

Have you ever wondered if it’s okay to steam clean your beautiful engineered hardwood floors? I know you definitely have. When those planks are looking a little dull and grimy, it’s tempting to pull out a steam mop for a super deep clean. But is steaming safe for engineered wood or will it cause damage?

As a long-time homeowner with engineered hardwood floors myself, this probably is a question you struggled with. You absolutely love the look and feel of your engineered floors. The rich hardwood surface makes the whole house feel warm, natural, and cozy. But with kids, pets, and everyday life, keeping them looking pristine can be tricky!

Like most homeowners, you probably keep up with regular sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming. But sometimes, those floors need a little extra attention to get them looking their best. That’s when steaming them clean seems like an easy solution. However, engineered hardwood has a different construction than solid wood and reacts differently to moisture. So steaming is a bit of a controversial topic among flooring experts. But do not worry!

In this article, we’ll look at the pros and cons of steaming engineered floors, steps to avoid damage, and everyday maintenance tips to keep your floors flawless. Let’s take a closer look.


What Are Engineered Hardwood Floors?

Engineered hardwood consists of layers of plywood or HDF bonded together, topped by a thin layer of solid hardwood. This layered construction makes engineered floors more dimensionally stable than solid wood, which expands and contracts more with changes in temperature and humidity.

Engineered floors are also less prone to gapping or cupping. The thick top layer of hardwood provides the beauty and finish of a solid wood floor. Overall, engineered floors combine the best qualities of solid wood with increased structural stability.

This makes them suitable for installation in environments like basements and homes with radiant heating systems.


Pros and cons of steam cleaning engineered floors


Steam cleaning can effectively sanitize floors and remove stuck-on dirt and grime. The heat helps loosen debris, while the steam lifts and dissolves messes.

Steaming also allows cleaning without the use of harsh chemicals. It can reach into cracks and crevices where dust and dirt accumulate. Overall, steam provides a deep clean for floors.


However, steam mops produce a lot of moisture. Excessive moisture can damage wood floors over time. The heat from the steam may also degrade floor finishes.

Engineered hardwood is more moisture-resistant than solid wood but still requires care to avoid warping or deteriorating the adhesive layers. Repeated steam cleaning could lead to damage.


Best practices for steam cleaning engineered floors

If you want to steam clean your engineered hardwood floors, follow these best practices to avoid potential damage:

Use the right steam mop

Look for a low-moisture steam mop designed specifically for sealed hardwood floors. Avoid “wet mopping” modes which dispense more water. Only use steam mops recommended by your flooring manufacturer.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Read the instruction manuals for both your flooring and the steam mop. Follow all guidelines to ensure safe, effective cleaning. Pay attention to any warnings about steam use on hardwood.

Be gentle and take your time

Don’t vigorously scrub or rub the steam mop head back and forth. Gently glide it across the floor and let the steam do the work. Make slow, overlapping passes to thoroughly clean. Be patient and take your time for best results.

Dry the floor thoroughly

After steaming, use dry microfiber pads to immediately soak up excess moisture. Go over the area several times to dry completely. Avoid walking on the damp floor until it is completely dry. Leave fans running to speed up drying time.


Maintenance tips for engineered hardwood floors

In addition to occasional steam cleaning, follow these maintenance practices to keep your engineered floors looking beautiful:

Regular dusting and vacuuming

Dust, dirt, and grit act like sandpaper and will dull and scratch floors over time. Vacuum or dust mop frequently to remove abrasive particles.

Place mats at entrances

Use non-staining walk-off mats inside and outside entryways to catch dirt and moisture. This will protect floors from scratches and water damage.

Don’t wet mop frequently

Frequent wet mopping can lead to moisture issues over time. Only mop when truly needed, using minimal water. Always dry immediately.

Refinish when needed

Have your floors professionally refinished once wear becomes noticeable. Refinishing protects and restores the wood floor’s finish.


More tips for caring for engineered hardwood

In addition to cleaning, there are some other things you can do to keep your engineered hardwood floors looking beautiful:

  • Use area rugs in high traffic zones and under furniture legs to prevent scratches and dents. Rotate rugs occasionally to evenly distribute wear.
  • Install floor protectors under furniture legs and chair casters to prevent scuffing and indentations.
  • Wipe up spills immediately to avoid moisture damage, and avoid excessive water when cleaning.
  • Keep humidity levels between 30-50% year-round. Use dehumidifiers or humidifiers as needed.
  • Rearrange rugs and furniture periodically so the floor ages evenly.
  • Use shades and curtains to block intense direct sunlight which can discolor floors over time.
  • Sweep regularly with a soft bristle broom to remove grit and dirt.
  • Consider having high traffic areas professionally recoated every few years to renew wear layers.


When To Call In a Professional

For deep cleaning beyond regular maintenance, have your engineered floors professionally cleaned once per year or as needed. Licensed flooring technicians have industrial equipment that cleans thoroughly without excessive moisture.

They also have specialized products to restore floor shine and protect the finish. So, calling in the pros routinely will keep your engineered hardwood floors looking like new for years to come.



In closing, you can carefully steam clean engineered hardwood floors occasionally if you follow best practices.

However, gentle cleaning and proactive maintenance are better ways to keep your floors looking beautiful day to day. With proper care, your engineered hardwood floors will last for decades and add value, comfort, and style to your home.